Home Learning

St. Michael’s Home Learning

Below you will find some useful websites and resources to help your child’s home learning.

remote learning contingency plan

As you may be aware, schools are required to have a contingency plan in place in case of individuals self-isolating or in the event of a bubble closure or school closure. I have summarised what we will be offering and this can be located on the Home Learning page of the website. Since our return to school we have ensured that all children have their Purple Mash log ins and that they are familiar with the layout of the school website.

We will be offering a range of online and offline resources to support the child/children for the period of their absence, including the use of BBC Bitesize and the Oak National Academy teaching resources. Part of the plan is to also send home a bundle of CGP workbooks (to be sent home with your child on 1.10.20) which your child’s class teacher will refer to, if your child is absent. Please do not complete these workbooks unless your child has been asked to do so.

On the first day of the absence, a day’s activities will be sent via Purple Mash, or a phone call will be made to inform you of the work that needs to be completed that day. At the end of the day, the class teacher will provide an A4 sheet outlining the work that needs to be completed; this will be emailed or a phone call made.

On Thursday 1st October, each child will be bringing home their bundle of CGP books with an additional sheet inside the KS2 English targeted question book, which is the Lord’s Prayer and School Prayer. If your child does not normally bring a bag into school, a plastic bag would be advisable.

Remote Learning Offer

Remote Learning – September 2021


Some of our recommended websites and resources are listed below which can also be used by your child.

All children have a login for Times Tables Rock Stars and Purple Mash; please could you encourage them to access these sites for additional learning opportunities.

All year groups

Websites and resources for children in all year groups

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Year 3

Resources specifically aimed at children in Year 3

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Year 4

Resources specifically aimed at children in Year 4

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Year 5

Resources specifically aimed at children in Year 5

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Year 6

Resources specifically aimed at children in Year 6

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Other useful resources

Useful websites for parents and children

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Home Learning Gallery

A selection of some of the fantastic work our children have been up to plus a very special video from the staff at St. Michael’s!



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BBC Teach

The BBC have will be launching a number of resources and will be announcing a programme of live daily learning via iPlayer, BBC Teach and radio. Please keep checking this page for more information.

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