Zones of Regulation

Zones of Regulation

At school we are introducing a self regulation programme called ‘The Zones of Regulation’. It is a curriculum designed to foster self regulation and emotional control. The children who have taken part so far, apart from enjoying the sessions, are now able to identify the different feelings they feel and the knock on effect of their actions when struggling to control such emotions. The programme will move onto the children having ‘tools’ they can use to help them manage their own emotions.

Below is some more in depth information and a glossary of the terms we will be using. It would be great if you could ask  your children about these lessons and use the ‘colours’ when talking to them about their emotions or when dealing with emotional situations at home.

If you wish to have more information on the programme or have any other questions or queries then please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Cullen at school.

Further Information   Glossary